YEAR 2025
YEAR 2025
Photography, Graphic Design
Tanya Tang, 26, Freaky Friday's with 24 year old Jessica Pementel from NY, NY in the year 2025. First things first: check hair. Still big (she sighs of relief). Dusting off her newly creased trousers, Tanya peers down the hall. She notices a door ajar and inches it open. A pair of Nike Blazer’s sit on the top shelf.
Womenswear in the mid-70s saw the role of bending gender norms once reinforced by fashion. The woman at home was freed from her duties to dress as a house ornament, the woman at work thrived in menswear trousers, shirts and jackets, and most importantly, the woman on the street could wear whatever she pleased.
50 years have past. Women are wearing pants in every walk of life and have seemingly claimed a new plethora of fashion niches. With Streetwear only beginning to embrace genderless uniforms, we have conquered but perhaps a sliver.
A thank you to everyone who shared their time, spaces and magic to make this project possible.
Creative direction___Anita Yuen, Vivian HT
Photography___Anita Yuen, Vivian HT
Graphics/Motion___Vivian HT
Hair___Darcie Chapman
MUA___Danielle Groome
Models___Alyssa Lau, Viktoria Adam
Video___Alexander Milo
Special thanks to ANNMS and Aritzia.